Sunday, March 28, 2010

Book Review: Shift by Rachel Vincent

Finished Shift by Rachel Vincent, the 5th in this series.  For anyone that hasn't read it, it's a GREAT series.  The main character Faythe Sanders is a strong-willed, opinionated werecat, struggling to figure out exactly where she fits in with her Pride.  Oh, by the way, her Pride is led by her father.  All she wants is to live a normal life.  But, because she can shift into a werecat, not only can't she live life like a normal girl, she is one of only a few tabbies left to the cats.

Books in this series:
1 - Stray
2 - Rogue
3 - Pride
4 - Prey
5 - Shift
6 - Alpha (to be released October 1, 2010)

The review....spoilers from this and previous books in the series included.  If you have not yet read the series and want to keep everything a surprise *Stop Reading Now* 

Shift continues the struggle between the prides.  It begins approximately 2 weeks after Faythe's brother is killed.  Faythe's father has a few supporters in his support to regain the council chairman's position, but needs more.  They are trying to convince the temporary council chair of what Malone is trying to do - attempted kidnapping, attempted murder and mayhem, all in order to get control of the council.  Throughout the series, we have seen Faythe become more and more mature as she realizes that she might actually have to think before she speaks/acts.  The plus side, people (mainly her father) are actually beginning to listen to her ideas and opinions and give them support.

This book we see this even more.  Shift introduces a brand new shifter race, the Thunderbirds.  They are huge birds with at least a 10' wingspan and can shift in seconds vs. the werecats minutes.  They are also masters at the partial shift Faythe and the werecats of her pride have been working on.  We see Faythe's maturity shining through throughout the book.  Not only does her father listen to her and support her ideas, she actually earns (I think) a little respect of the council chair while she's at it.  Things also come to a head with Marc and Jace, though nothing is decided.  I can't wait until October for the last book.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Book Reviews

Hi Gang!  I finished the 2 books by Judi Fennell (In Over Her Head and Wild Blue Under).  Both were fantastic.  Intriguing storyline that hooks you in (no pun intended) from the get-go.  Puns, double entendre's and excellent humor make you fall in love with the heros.  Of course it helps they're drop-dead gorgeous and twins. With side kicks that help in all sorts of ways.  Her humor reminds me a lot of Katie MacAlister's in her contemporary novels. 

I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of the last book, Catch of a Lifetime.  In this book the heroine is the Mer, Angel, sister to Rod and Reel.  Yes, that is their names.......their parent's Kai and Fisher had a twisted sense of humor.  If you're interested in 'reading before you buy', you can do an interlibrary loan for the first two.  The third no one has yet, most likely because it's just come out.

Judi also has another book coming out soon called I Dream of Genies.  I'll post the release date soon.

I also finished Marjorie M. Liu's Soul Song.  Another book with the Mer folk.  In keeping with her style of writing, these are way more serious than Judi Fennell's.  But, also in keeping with her style, it was an excellent book.  Kit, friend to Dela (who was featured in the first book), is the heroine that can play a fiddle like Charlie Daniels in Devil Went Down to Georgia.  M'Cal is the Mer, the one with the compulsion to kill her.

Now if only I could decide what to read next.....

Sunday, March 14, 2010

What I'm currently reading.....

I decided to take a slight break from finishing Marjorie M. Liu's books (began Soul Song......also need to finish the last 2) and begin a Mer series I stumbled on thanks to a book review I saw on Facebook.  The author's name is Judi Fennell.  When I find an interesting author, I like to sign up for their newsletter.  So, I headed over to her site to 1) sign up for the newsletter and 2) to read more about her books.  After reading the blurbs on her website, I became even more intrigued.  I signed up for the newsletter and, to my surprise, I received an email from Mrs. Fennell herself.  We exchanged several more emails.  She is down-to-earth and gave me some great advice on how to do research but also on getting my own novel published.  She describes her books as fairy tales with a twist.  I began In Over Her Head this morning and will tell you, it's had me laughing out loud...which is a HUGE plus in my book.  What I've like so far about this book is Reel (yes that's his name and he has a twin brother named Rod) is totally different than the rest of his kind.  And yet, even though you know it bothers him, he doesn't let it run (and ruin) his life.  Okay....I'm off to try to read as much as I can before bed.  Oh, btw.....even though HCL does not have these books, you can request them through interlibrary loan, at least with the first 2.  I'm hoping I can get the 3rd one soon.  I've also requested the library purchase them.  I'll keep you posted on what they say.  :-)

She currently has three books in this series:

  • In Over Her Head
  • Deep Blue Under
  • Catch of a Lifetim

Series Review: Dirk & Steele series by Marjorie M. Liu

I am slowly making my way through the 2 1/2 bags of books that I've either checked out from the library, borrowed or bought/received as gifts.  This series is by Marjorie M. Liu, former lawyer turned author.  She's got 2 series, plus a couple other books.  She is also a co-writer for Marvel Comic Books. 

I'll be honest and tell you I wasn't sure what to expect when I first started Tiger Eye.  And mainly began reading it because the due date at the library was creeping up on me.   Who knew that once I'd started, I wouldn't be able to put it down.  Not only couldn't put it down, but was half-way through the book before I knew what had happened.  The series is based on a company (Dirk and Steele) that is set up as a specialized detective agency.  The company looks for and provides a family for those that don't fit in.....specifically those with specialized talents, like those that can command steel/metal, fire starters, men who can read the entire history of an object/person just by touching it, shape-shifters, get the picture?  It reminded me a little of the movie "Push" with Chris Evans and Dakota Fanning. 

The books are action packed and rather each main character tries to confront issues of trust, love and family.  Marjorie Liu does a fantastic job of using small amounts of descriptive language to paint fantastic pictures of the sights, smells and feelings her characters encounter.  This was a great series and I can't wait to finish the last three!

The books in this series are:
  • Book 1 - Tiger Eye (in HCL)
  • Book 2 - Shadow Touch
  • Book 3 - The Red Heart of Jade (in HCL)
  • Book 4 - Dark Dreamers
  • Book 5 - Eye of Heaven
  • Book 6 - Soul Song
  • Book 7 - The Last Twilight (in HCL)
  • Book 8 - The Wild Road
  • Book 9 - The Fire King 

Saturday, March 6, 2010

March Book Release Dates

I found this on the Paranormal Fantasies blog.  It's a great list, although it was missing a couple of listings.  I've added them and pasted them here.  I'll *try* to do this once a month.  Maybe it will help me keep track of when series I'm currently reading and those I'm wanting to read come out.  :-)  Keep in mind though that many of these books I have not read.  Some of the authors I've never heard of.  I've got to check my list at school and will update accordingly.  If you have any additions, please let me know. 

March 1, 2010
Once Bitten Twice Dead by Bianca D'Arc
Bride of the Wolf by Susan Krinard
Wolf Trap by Linda Thomas-Sundstrom
Mistress of the Underground by Lisa Childs
Out of Body by Stella Cameron
Dead Travel Fast by Deanna Rayborn

March 2, 2010

Bound, Branded and Brazen by Jaci Burton
Serpent Moon by CT Adams and Cathy Clamp
Feral by Joely Skye
Twilight Guardian by RG Alexander

Don't Kill the Messenger by Eileen Rendahl
Atlantis Redeemed by Alyssa Day
Master of Fire by Angela Knight
Chick with a Charm by Vicki Lewis Thompson
Born to be Wild by Christine Warren
Delicious by Shayla Black
Shadowglass by Erica Hayes
A Twist in Time by Susan Squires
Broken by Shiloh Walker
Velvet Haven by Sophie Renwick
Warrior Ascended by Addison Fox
Ghouls Gone Wild by Victoria Laurie
And Falling, Fly by Skyler White
Black Jack by Lora Leigh
Deep in the Woods by Chris Marie Green
A Local Habitation by Seanan McGuire
Shalador's Lady by Anne Bishop

March 9, 2010
The Vampire and the Virgin by Kerrelyn Sparks
Angelology by Danielle Trussoni
Hourglass by Claudia Gray
Abandon the Night by Joss Ware

March 10, 2010
White Wolf of Avalon by Eva Gordon

March 16, 2010
Voices of Dragons by Carrie Vaughn
The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting
Shadow Souls by L.J. Smith
The Midnight Hunt by L.L. Raand

March 23, 2010
Rebels and lovers by Linnea Sinclair
The Devil's Playground by Jenna Black
Mind Games by Carolyn Crane
Shadow of the Moon by Rachel Hawthorne

March 30, 2010
Never Cry Werewolf by L.A. Banks
Silver Borne by Patricia Briggs
EmbersS by Laura Bickle
Blood Pressure: A Vampires Testament by Terence Taylor
Sunrise in a Garden of Love and Evil by Barbara Monajem
The Shattered Sylph by L.J. McDonald
The Mage in Black by Jaye Wells
Succubus Shadows by Richelle Mead
In the Darkest Night by Patti O’Shea
The Jaguar Prince by Karen Kelley
Sexy Beast VII by Kate Douglas
Touch of Seduction by Rhyannon Byrd
Out of Mind by Stella Cameron
Can't teach on Old Demon New Tricks by Cara Lockwood
Changeless by Gail Carriger
Death Blows by D.D. Barant

Friday, March 5, 2010

Angela Knight: Mageverse series

I just finished reading this series (well the ones that are out). Angela Knight is an author of mostly erotic fiction.  A former reporter, she is married to a police sergeant and lives in Spartanburg County, SC.

The Mageverse world is an interesting blend of vampires (Magi), witches (Majae), werewolves, dragons, Fae, Shidhe and Authurian legend.  It was created when Merlin and his love Nimue, aliens, came to earth from Mageverse (a twin universe) and began a search for guardians to protect the beings of earth from destroying themselves and from invasion of the Dark Ones.  King Aurthur and his Knights of the Round Table are the first to drink from the Grail, changing them into Magi.  Queen Guinnivere, Morgana Le Fey are also among the first to drink.  They have a symbiotic relationship. The Magi have to drink blood from the Majae to help absorb the energies of the Mageverse. The Majae have to donate blood or they will suffer heart attack or stroke from excess blood and elevated pressure. The Majae are the magic in the Mageverse. The Magi also sleep during the day as another means of gaining magic. The men and women could theoretically live forever, should they not be killed.

They are capable of reproducing with mortals to ensure that there are more potential candidates to recruit. Anyone born of such a union is a Latent. Their Gift, becoming Magi or Majae, is triggered by three or sexual encounters with a Gifted man or woman. A Latent must be approved by the Magi or Majae councils. Many can not psychologically handle the impact of the Mageverse (It can trigger insanity). There are professional court seducers who Gift latents on the Councils orders.

On Mageverse Earth, there are Fairies, Dragons, Unicorns and the city of Avalon where the Magi and Majae live. They magically create gates to travel to Realspace Earth. The Fairies are featured in Master of the Moon, which has King Llyr of the Faeries.

Merlin, who knows that power can corrupt, created another magical species in case the Magi and Majae become out of control. These are werewolves. They do not have to wait until the full moon to change. They are a rigid society that has been hidden from their inception. In Master of Wolves, the werewolves declare themselves and fight alongside the Magi and the Fairies.

My Review
This series may be a little too *ahem* racey for some, but I really enjoyed it.  It was definitely an interesting twist to the paranormal world.  The books were well written.  I didn't want to put them down and couldn't wait to start the next one.  The Mageverse world is explained in every book.   Each book has its own drama between the characters, but the series has an underlying drama.  While the books can probably be read out of order (in fact I haven't read the short stories in the anthologies), it is probably a good idea to read them in order as much as possible.  I'll admit, I know little about Arthurian legend, but this series has made be want to research it a bit. 

Books in this series:
Seduction's Gift  can be found in the Hot Blooded Anthology
Master of the Night (found in Horry County Library)
Galahad can be found in the Bite Anthology
Master of the Moon (found in Horry County Library)
Master of Wolves (found in Horry County Library)
Moon Dance can be found in the Over the Moon Anthology
Master of Swords (found in Horry County Library)
Master of Dragons (found in Horry County Library)
Hot for the Holidays
Master of Fire (just released March 2)
Master of Smoke (release date TBD)